Perimeter Lake Plan
Without quick action, the Salton Sea will decline rapidly due to reduced inflows and increased salinity. As the lake shrinks, more of its shoreline will be exposed, creating a health hazard from blowing dust, and the salt will become so concentrated that fish will not be able to survive. The Perimeter Lake strategy would use the minimal amount of water that still flows into the Salton Sea to establish a permanent lake around most of the current shoreline, and to build several thousand acres of artificial wetlands along the southern shore. The water covering the exposed areas would suppress some of the toxic dust, provide habitat for fish and birds, and create opportunities for human recreation and economic development, even as the center lake continues to shrink. An advantage of the perimeter lake option is that it would work with other proposed projects, including geothermal energy development and enhancement of the lake’s north end. This option is ideal because it can be built in sections. The Perimeter Lake Plan takes into account the immediate need for action, limited replenishment water for the lake, and incremental funding.
Your donations will further SSAC’s work lobbying lawmakers, seeking grant funding for restoration work, and educating the public about the importance of implementing a long-term, workable solution at the lake.

Support the Salton Sea Rehabilitation effort
The Salton Sea is shrinking. As water levels at the 350-square-mile lake recede and more of its shoreline is exposed, environmental disaster looms. Failure to address the issue will exacerbate health problems caused by blowing dust, destroy critical habitat for fish and birds, and threaten the financial vitality of the Coachella and Imperial valleys and beyond. The Salton Sea Action Committee (SSAC) is a not-for-profit organization made up of local residents and business owners committed to shaping a positive future for the Salton Sea. SSAC was formed to support the Salton Sea Authority, a Joint Powers Authority created by the State to oversee restoration. SSAC’s preferred Perimeter Lake Plan is the answer for the ailing Sea. This alternative will work in conjunction with other proposed remedies and resolve the most pressing issues facing this valuable ecological resource.